hey hey hey this is not all to scientific and not much of a complicated formula
this is purely base on experience mine and other friends that I observed.
Someone would come into your life a dashing ultra handsome individual
You talked with each other you laughed cant think of anyone but that person
But after a while things gradually or for some abruptly changed
How did it happen?
In the preliminaries of your life together you cant help yourself but to
just feel happy happy and most of all happy
But after a while you peel off the layers of the person until you see the real thing
that the individual is not that perfect after all.
Base on the reactions he does, the habits and the way he look at things
But you never stop believing in that person though his weaknesses are apparent
But what if that one person bailed on you?
Where would you go now?
Is something wrong with me?
People change over time and our perspective too of who they are
Maybe it is just time to let go and accept that we can only do so much
After that you have to allow that person to do his
If he does, good... If not, it is time to grieve but you move on
You always have to move on the painful hurts will soon pass
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