Sunday, July 27, 2008

Life Lessons

My mind is currently idle
I guess with all the rumblings I am getting from work and school
I am currently employed and I always would want to end
A seemingly boring day
But no I must have the courage and the will to get ahead
and make something of myself
I want to be rich and not only that I want to remain rich
I dont want to play around I want to get things done
Where do I begin
How am I going to pull this off
But surely I have tro make the step
The effort to stay no matter what
To still fight and be determined
In whatever circumstances im in
I must have a staying power
A willing will to survive and succeed
And be the best I can ever be

Sunday, July 6, 2008

How soon is now

The opening theme song of charmed
Way way back I was so amaze with the three sisters

Prue Piper and Phoebe

Though I feel like Im more of Prue
Sexy, Strong-willed, Responsible, and Trustworthy

Prue as the eldest always have to be in control
Always have to be perfect
The most dependable among the three
But pride could take a toll on her as she never listens and
always want to be right though she is rarely incorrect
Her super power is based on her passion to protect
their family in whatever way she can possibly can

Piper is the heart of the family
the most loved always wants reconcilliation
but has the lowest self-esteem she always feel small
as her two sisters were the super witches
she thinks that she is just a sidekick
But she didnt know that her capacity her full power
is on loving

Phoebe the little rascal in the family
who loves parties gimmicks and others
always want to have fun without taking responsibility
despite the fact that her power is considered negligible
it proves to have saved the lives of their innocent and theirs a huge deal

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Complicating a Life

When I didnt have a job
I sulk in my room and
Spend my day daydreaming
Overly rested I supposed
But as you finally have one
You started having second thoughts
Gosh this is way too boring for me
Boredom could kill haha
But I definitely would want to spice up evrything here
Make the most out of it
It is not the circumstances i am in
But the way I look on things
Hopefully tommorrow will be better
I cant wait
Just lift your spirits up
and hope for the best
Because it is surely will come
Faith is within your own soul
And you must keep it
Because it is the fuel that
Strengthen you in getting your
task at hand
With fying colors.
Go on and Be better.

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