Sunday, July 6, 2008

How soon is now

The opening theme song of charmed
Way way back I was so amaze with the three sisters

Prue Piper and Phoebe

Though I feel like Im more of Prue
Sexy, Strong-willed, Responsible, and Trustworthy

Prue as the eldest always have to be in control
Always have to be perfect
The most dependable among the three
But pride could take a toll on her as she never listens and
always want to be right though she is rarely incorrect
Her super power is based on her passion to protect
their family in whatever way she can possibly can

Piper is the heart of the family
the most loved always wants reconcilliation
but has the lowest self-esteem she always feel small
as her two sisters were the super witches
she thinks that she is just a sidekick
But she didnt know that her capacity her full power
is on loving

Phoebe the little rascal in the family
who loves parties gimmicks and others
always want to have fun without taking responsibility
despite the fact that her power is considered negligible
it proves to have saved the lives of their innocent and theirs a huge deal

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