Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Unimagined Truths To ponder

It's been a while since I have a real post here out of my own creative mind.

And boy I miss it.

I decided to do something somewhat radical I am in fact posting my blog 2-3 times a day

and improving its appearance and most of all promote promote and promote it that I will surely do

I came accross a girl who seems to know It all in terms of blogosphere (if there is such a term)

And true enough she woke me up

What is it that I truly want?, hidden inside that question is the thought of who I really am

She got it all planned and then it hit me I dont really have a concrete plan in 5 or 10 years from now terms

I am just living by the moment

Which am not saying its bad but I start to wonder is it really good?

Here I am following an old routine who knows when to end on its own accord

I must do something a different non tested bold action I havent been doing

yes I have dreams I have aspirations but have I really done a great effort towards achieving that goal

Truth is I havent... I just walk through life briskly and carefree for all i care mode

Now I am deciding a better improved action per action principle

That I will fulfill my dreams and take imediate action in achieving them

No one can tell me what to do

I should be able to know deep within me what to do

No more procrastination no more excuses just living it up to the fullest

I am so bless to find this out now rather than later

And now i must face the questions that nags me for quite sometime

What is it that I truly want what is it that will make my life easy and comfortable

without me cluttering my mind with what shall I do next and answer this never ending thought

so what now?

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